Friday 7 May 2010

Call Sheet and Risk Assessment

This is our call sheet and Risk Assessment. The call sheet helped us organise where we were planning the shoot and and at what time would do so. It was filled out before we rented our camera equipment so that we were able to pre-plan the shoots and make sure everyone involved knew who was responsible for the equipment.

Friday 23 April 2010

Monday 19 April 2010

Friday 26 March 2010

Group - Our Final Shoot

Yesturday we carried out our final shoot, in which we did the sports center scene and the ending bedroom scene.

For the sports centre scene we needed to show the victim in a dat to day environment socializing to show where he has been.

The second scene in the bedrooom was to show what happened earlier that day, flashing back to where he is fine to further represent him as a normal kid. Also the mirror shot and his arrogant remark was to show the type of charcter he is, and his peers' facial expressions show what people think of him. We did all our needed to shots to the level that we wanted, which left us adequate time to edit it.

Thursday 25 March 2010

Rough Cut

We have shown our rough cut to other pupils and teachers in our class. We got some positive feedback and some constructive critisism to help us improve.
The critisisms came mostly about our title pages and the fonts used, they were too bold and styalised for basic titles. Also the positioning of the titles, everyone was in the middle of the screen. Moving titles in sync with the action allow the viewers to concentrate on the main line of action on the screen.
Some positive comments came from our photo effects used, the use of saturation and contrast allow the flashbacks more obvious.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Possible Sounds and Music

I feel that some of following bits of sound and music could be included in our film opening:

Friday 12 March 2010

Group - Our Second Shoot

We have just captured the footage from our second shoot, it went much better than the first one as we planned it more thoroughly and as we had filmed at our location already we had a better idea of where the camera could be. We need one more shoot and some sound recordings and we will have everything ready for editing.

This shot is used in a group of stills with a camera click. It gives it an effect as it is part of a crime scene adding mystery of what has happened.
This shot gives the story some background. it allows the audience to see what the character was doing and gives a little insight into his personality.